If you have a sports or school related website and would like to set up a reciprocal link arrangement please follow the instructions below.

Fill out the form below only if the page were you'll place the link to our website:

    1. is not more than two clicks away from you home page,
    2. is not on a sub domain,
    3. is on the same domain you are requesting a reciprocal link to,
    4. can be navigated manually from your home page,
    5. has less than 100 links (internal & external) on the page,
    6. is accessible to the search engine spiders,
    7. is not written in Java script,
    8. blocked by robots.txt file,
    9. or has an expiration meta tag...

1. Put a link to this web site by using the information below:


Title: Under Armour Lacrosse

Description: -Wve One Sports Custom Team Uniforms

Or copy and paste the HTML code below to your primary links page:

Our Link should look like this on your page:

Under Armour Lacrosse Uniforms - Wve One Sports Custom Team Uniforms

2. Fill out this form:


Fields in bold are required.

Linked to:

Exact URL were we can
find the link back to our website

URL of your website:

Title for your link :

Description of your website
(200 Characters maximum)


Enter any questions here: